Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I guess you have heard that pregnant women have mood swings and are emotional due to the hormonal changes that happen in their body.  Well, I guess I still have some of those pregnancy hormones left because I am still emotional ( no mood swings by the way . . . i'm sure of that!  haha!).  I get affected and cry easily with anything that has to do with babies, children, motherhood, being a parent. . .   and this commercial is not an exception.  Being a first time mom, it really tugged my heartstrings.  I got this from one of my sisters in the N@W community (Thanks again R for sharing this!)

My Dear Little One,

Thank you for your unconditional love.  Being a first time mom can be overwhelming for me and during those times I felt disheartened, your smile and your hug brings me so much comfort and reassures me that you totally understand.  Thank you for being patient with me.  I know there are so much things to learn and that I still have a long way to go but I sincerely hope I'm doing OK.

I will try my best to be the best mom in your world.

Love always,

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