Sunday, May 10, 2015

Thank you Mommy!

Today is the first Mother's Day which we are going to celebrate without Daddy.  Mom didn't just lose a husband, she also lost her bunso (it means youngest in the family).  That is actually our private joke at home, that Dad is actually Mom's bunso, haha!  Do you know what is the last word my father said before he passed away?  It was "Mommy". . . that's how he calls called her.  (I still have to get used to using the past tense for Daddy!)  It only shows how much he wanted her to be by his side all the time. . . especially when he got sick.  Yes, Daddy can be a big baby.  There is something magical (healing even) about Moms ano?  Their mere presence, their touch, their hugs comfort us and make us feel better.    

My father was a fearless man but during the last year of his life (that is when he started his dialysis treatment), he drew strength from my Mom.  She took care of him, was so patient with him (Dad can be in a crappy mood sometimes), she just never gave up on him.  She was living their wedding vows . . . "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, 'til death do we part" .  

Mommy. thank you very much for the utmost love, care and devotion you have always given to all of us.  You inspire me to be a strong woman.  Always remember that we are here for you and that we love you dearly. 

I saw this video for the first time last year and it still never fails to make me cry. 

Happy Mother's Day to *everyone! 

(*Because all of us can be "Moms" in different ways) 

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