Saturday, December 28, 2013

You're beautiful!

The little boy has been mistaken for a girl several times already.  Somebody even said he can be the next Ms. Philippines!  (Ummm, I don't really remember anyone from my childhood telling me the same thing, haha!)  

I can't blame them . . . 

Which reminds me. . . .

So people say he/"she" is beautiful, and I claim that he looks like me. . .

I hope this photo convinces you, heehee

Does it follow that I'm beautiful too? HAHAHA!!!

Anyway, this afternoon, we decided that it's time to for him to get his first haircut --- NOT because of the "he looks like a girl" thing.  I actually don't mind when people say that.  It's just that we want it to look neater.  For us Filipinos, it is customary for babies to have their hair cut when they turn 1 year old.  

But we say, we can't wait so we are doing it now, haha!

After a few snip here and there. . . .


Looking at the picture above, I can only say. . .

My dear little boy, you are growing too fast!!!

Happy Weekend everyone!

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