Friday, March 30, 2012

A Note from Mother Earth

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Helping Mother Earth takes more than an hour of turning off our lights tomorrow.  I'm sure we have read on the different ways we can do to save her.  What better place to start than in our own homes.  (I promise not to leave the faucet running while brushing my teeth!)      

As Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in this world".  

Let's make a change. . . and make a difference.

Have a nice weekend ahead!  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Out of the Blue

Yes, just like that. . . I thought of joining a marathon!  Haha!  Something for my bucket list!

Not anytime soon but hopefully I get to do it within the year.  I know walking regularly (I don't even jog! Haha!) for almost three months doesn't really qualify me to do one (yet).  I have to work on my stamina and increase my mileage.  I want to do at least a 3K marathon!  (The most I did was 8 rounds in the track oval, which is equivalent to 0.4 km only!  Aaacckk!)  

Note to self --- please check your mental preparedness.  

I was telling Zola's Dad about it and he told me that I should at least jog!  And I told him that what matters most is I cross the finish line, however long it takes!  (The organizers will wait for everybody to finish right?!  Haha!)

Funny Ultimate Summary Cartoon, Marathon
Photo Source

For a consolidated list of marathon schedules in Philippines, please click on this link .

Food Find: Delimondo Corned Beef

I'm in a good mood today (not that I'm in a bad mood most of the times, hehe)  Okay, so i'm in a verrry good mood today because I had a good breakfast!  Breakfast today was more special because I had corned beef!   IT IS special . . .  if you have been eating toast and a slice of cheese for the past few days!  Haha!    

So we tried the Delimondo Corned Beef which my friends and food bloggers have been raving about.  I am proud to say that this premium corned beef is manufactured locally and tastes good!  It did not disappoint.  What I like best about it is it's not salty (unless because we sauteed it with tomatoes) and  chunky (some corned beef have finer texture).   It also comes in Garlic Chili flavor.  This corned beef definitely found its way in my "favorite" list.     

I think I need a better camera! 

As indicated in the can: "Premium corned beef made the old fashioned way

with 100% pure beef cut in long shreds.  
Cured with select spices through a special process to ensure its distinctive
 that goes well with your favorite corned beef recipe." 

This is how we prepare our corned beef -
Sauteeing it with garlic, onion, tomatoes plus some potatoes

This definitely goes well with garlic fried rice (and I'm sure one cup won't be enough!) . . . BUT I had it with wheat bread *sigh* . . . .because I know I'll feel guilty the whole day if I give in to rice! Haha!  (Remember my favorite number?)

Delimondo Corned Beef is available at S & R Club and Salcedo Village (Makati) Saturday Market.  (I am not sure which local supermarkets carry this brand.)

For more information about Delimondo and its other products, please visit their FB page.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bad Hair Day (Again!)

After my bad hair day, it's the Little One's turn this time.

Uneven hair around the edges!

The bangs that are almost covering her eyes

The only thing that's stopping me from doing something about this is the old wives' tale that a baby's hair should not be cut until they turn a year old.

I'm so antsy to have her haircut done but I still have 3 months to go. . . (yes, patience is a virtue)  

Now you know what's the first thing I'm going to do when she turns One!

Hello Monday! (Living a full Life)

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Life is a continuous adventure, enjoy the ride. . .


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Caught in the Act!

I was putting the Little One to sleep for her morning nap when I saw her doing this. . .

She has been doing this a lot lately.  My guess is there must be a new set of baby teeth coming out (she has 2 now) . . . OR she's trying to put herself to sleep . . . OR she must be real hungry that the milk was not enough, Haha!

My dear Little One, 

I do hope that you will give up this habit soon.  But if you can't help it, I'll let it slide . . . as long as you don't do this with your toes!


Friday, March 23, 2012

Home Alone

Yes, I'm home alone. . . everybody at home had plans this afternoon. . . including the Little One! Haha!  (She visited some family friends with her grandparents)  I stayed behind to do things on my To-Do list  (which I don't get to do because a 9 month old baby who is curious on just about everything needs a mom's full attention or else. . . )    

Before I start checking off my list, I thought of having something to eat since I only had soup and bread for lunch.  I was looking for something filling and found nothing that appeals to my rumbling tummy . . . until I saw some leftover pasta noodles.  I checked the pantry for other ingredients which I can use for the pasta and found some Pomodoro sauce, canned tuna and bell peppers.  I'm glad we have some olive oil and parmesan cheese at the pantry too.  And the Focaccia bread we got a couple of days ago added a nice touch!  This Italian meal looks promising!

(Grocery tip:  I always stock up the pantry with food like pasta sauce and noodles and other fix-ins that can come in handy anytime especially when there are unexpected guests!)   

After a few minuts of doing all the cooking preps, TADAHHHH!!!! 

A home cooked pasta and  ice-cold Coke  Light. . . Life is good!

But it's definitely much better (and brighter) if the Little One is around.  I hope they come home soon. . .

Have a nice and restful weekend!

Hope your day went well =)
Be thankful for something good that happened to you today.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

In English please. . .

What is this Risotto box doing in my room?

I saw this at the kitchen cupboard yesterday (we got it as a gift last Christmas) and thought of preparing it today.  I'm not really fond of risotto (or probably I just haven't had a good one!) but would like to try and see if this would turn out ok.  (Nothing beats a home cooked meal, one that didn't come from a box)

However, there is one thing that I need to figure out . . .

I'm not even sure what language this is. . .French, German?  (Bringen, zudecken and minuten sound German to me, haha!)  

And this is why this box found its way in my room.  Hello Google Translate!   The illustration helps but I would prefer to know what the cooking directions say.  If there's anyone out there who can make this easier, please let me know! (Haha!)

Let's see how these go. . . the translation AND the risotto!

Have a nice day ahead! 


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Eight is my favorite number because . . . 

1. It's our wedding day (February 8)

2. It is considered a lucky number by the Chinese.  As explained in Wikipedia:
The word for "eight" (八 Pinyin: bā) sounds similar to the word which means "prosper" or "wealth" ( – short for "發財", Pinyin: fā). In regional dialects the words for "eight" and "fortune" are also similar, e.g. Cantonese "baat3" and "faat3". 

3.  Because to date, this is the number of pounds I've lost since I started walking (and doing some tae-bo) 2 months ago.  That puts around 1 lb lost per week.  It may not be much but I'm really happy (and thankful!) with it!  As I've mentioned in my earlier post, I'm doing all of these in baby steps.  

How many more to go?  I think I'll just keep that to myself, haha!

Good Morning everyone! =) 


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


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I caught the movie "Mask of Zorro" in Star Movies over the weekend and hearing the characters' names such as Alejandro, Diego, Luiz rekindled my love for Spanish names.

When I got pregnant, I was excited to pick names for our Little One.  We started working on our name list for boys' and girls' names earlier in the pregnancy.  (Picking out names is probably one of the most overwhelming things for parents!  Too overwhelming that we only finalized the name for the Little One a few days before my scheduled CS operation, haha!)   

I already told Zola's Dad that I love Spanish names!  While thinking of a name for boys, I remember telling him that if our baby is a boy, I like the name "Rafael".  Why?  So I can call him "Rafa"!  (The love for the name "Rafa" actually came first. . .*sigh* . . .this is what happens when you have a crush on Nadal! Heehee)  

But I still have other names on the list. . . Miguel . . .Carlos. . .Javier. . .Joaquin. . . Matteo. . .  

But for now, all I can do is just reserve these for "future use". . .let's see if Zola's Dad and I will do something about it, hahaha!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hello Monday! (Dreaming Big)

I think it would be nice to post inspiring quotes every Monday to start our week right =)  

Wishing everyone a great week ahead. . . .here's to making our dreams come true!   

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Food Find: Purefoods Turkey Franks

My latest indulgence . . .
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You won't see much of turkey meat products being made here in Philippines.  I guess because our taste buds prefer the tastier meats like pork, beef and chicken.  So I  was surprised (and delighted because I love turkey!) to see these Turkey Franks by Purefoods in one of our trips to the supermarket.  But I was even more surprised to know that this product was already available in the market since last year!  I'm always at the supermarket every week (it's a happy place of mine) and I wonder how these goodies have remained hidden from my food radar!  Oh well. . . .

I like these because I feel less guilty when I eat them, haha!  Turkey franks are healthier to eat (vs Beef Franks), are also filling (good serving size) and are not salty.  I do hope there will be more turkey products available in the Philippines (not the imported frozen ones) like ham or burgers!

So to Purefoods, thank you very much for  making me a happy camper!  Your Turkey Franks will always have a place in my heart . . . and in our fridge!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pillow Talk

Lately, I haven't been sleeping well at night . . .because I am missing my favorite pillow, haha!  I've had this pillow for six years now.  I haven't shared this pillow with anyone . . .not until last week, when I had to let it go and give it to the Little One.  (She's been sleeping more soundly when she uses it)  

Let me share with you the special story behind this pillow.

When I was still working, I went to Shanghai for a business trip and stayed at the St. Regis Hotel.  This hotel has one of the most comfortable beds and sheets I've ever slept in and has the fluffiest pillows ever (did I tell you that they were goose feather pillows?!)

While talking to our Hotel Account Officer, I raved about my room and of course, the pillows which I absolutely loooved!  And before I checked out of the hotel, a box was delivered to my room and when I opened it, I was suprised (more of shocked!) to see THE pillow. . . waiting to be packed in my suitcase!   I was really touched by this kind gesture, very heartwarming!  They indeed made me feel a valued guest.  And that my dear friends is NOT customer satisfaction but CUSTOMER DELIGHT. . . going the extra mile, delivering something that is unexpected!  And this is the reason why this pillow is extra special.

As much as I love this favorite pillow of mine, I would easily give it up if it would make the Little One more comfortable in her sleep.  Just as how the hotel showed me how much they value me, I would like to show the Little One how precious and important she is to me.

Goodnight Little One. . . Sweet dreams . . .

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lost and . . . LOST!

The Little One has two missing socks . . . *Sigh*  

We lost the green one a long time ago (I gave up on it already and blamed the dogs, haha!) and I felt bad when I saw that a second one was missing. (Hmph!)   

So that leaves us with two "lonely" socks that are missing their partners!  But that doesn't mean they are useless. . . so I let the Little One wear mismatched socks tonight.  

And I think it's kind of pretty cool (heehee)

Yes Little One, it's okay to let loose and be crazy once in a while.

Relax and enjoy the weekend everyone! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bookshelf: "Your Emergency Survival Handbook"

My dad asked me to get this book for him (it was being discussed in a radio/tv show he was watching).

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I can't really remember when was the last time my dad read a book (or if he really does?! Haha!), so when he asked me to get this book, I made sure I put it on top of my "things-to-do" list.  And being the good daughter I am (Ahem!  Teehee), I got it the same week he asked me to.

Me: Hi Dad, got your book already! *giddy*

Dad: What book?

Me:  The Emergency Survival Handbook you saw in the tv show. 

Dad: Oh okay, YOU read it and just tell me what it's all about.

*Facepalm*  Haha!  I knew this was too good to be true! 

I haven't gotten the chance to read the book but I was browsing it and I saw a Chapter where it talks about the different types of disaster and what do before, during and after the said disaster.  What is also nice about this book is since it was written by a Filipino (Paloma),  there are some information and things that are Philippine-specific. 

I know that disaster strikes unexpectedly and we would probably won't be able to do most of what is written in the book.  But I think that reading the book would at least create an awareness and a certain preparedness in us in times of emergency.

Note to self: Please start reading! 

Available in National Bookstore and Powerbooks - Php 295.00

Oh My Jake!

I was able to catch "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" in cable today and truth be told, I lost count how many times I watched this movie . . . .all because of Jake Gyllenhaal!  Haha!  (I ALWAYS misspell his last name!)
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Can you blame me? Teehee

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 Yes, even when his role called for this unkempt look! Haha!

I loooovveee him! *gushing* 

Well, actually him and Heath Ledger (whose untimely passing I still mourn)

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They may not be a Tom Cruise or a Brad Pitt but I think they are brilliant actors and are special in their own way. 

Who's your favorite Hollywood actor?

Note to Zola's Dad:.
Hun, you will always be the sexiest and most gorgeous guy for me! 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Problem . . . NOT (Yet) Solved!

As I've mentioned in my earlier post, I can't go online sometimes because the Little One thinks my keyboard is just one of her toys.

So I thought of getting her own keyboard. . .not a toy, but a real keyboard!  (bought at a friendly price!)
Look at that happy face!
Little One:  Yipeeee, my own keyboard!
But waaiiittt Mama . . .  
What is this for?
Yup, something is definitely missing here  . . .

I thought that buying her one would give me an easier time in using the comptuer. . . WRONG (again!)

Apparently, she doesn't like just any keyboard. . . it really has to be my keyboard! Haha!

And so I'm back to square one. . . oh well. . . .

As for the keyboard, well, it's still her toy. . . or can be a spare one for us, just in case. Haha! 

P.S.  After only a few minutes of play time, the Little One was able to remove a tile from the keyboard!  I see "greater" things to come from ummm . . . our little demolisher, errr .. . i mean "explorer".  

Enjoy your weekend with your loved ones!  

Friday, March 9, 2012

Two Peas in a Pod (Special Edition)

As I've mentioned in an earlier post, I am going to make "Two Peas in a Pod" a monthly thing. And I am so excited for this month's post as I am featuring a really good friend of mine (a celebrity in her own right!  Teehee.  She hosts a show in our city's cable channel) 

D and I (and the other 10 amazing ladies that make up our High School group) have been friends for 24 years now.  We met when we were Sophomore in High School (in an all-girls school run by nuns).  She was "the new student" who transferred from Butuan (a city located in the South of Philippines).  I think one of us (in our group) asked her if she wants to join us for the morning break.  And that was the start of a beautiful friendship.

I am not exactly sure when but during High School, she was chosen to be our "Lakambini" (Filipino term for muse) for a school event.  The name has stuck since then and we call her our "Lakambini" (much to our amusement and to her displeasure, haha!)

I've been telling her (and I'm sure I am not alone in saying this) that for some reason, she reminds me of Gretchen Barretto, a Filipino actress and is considered to be one of the prettiest faces in the Entertainment industry.

Guess it's time to let the photos do the talking now . . .

*Gretchen is on the left and my friend D is on the right

And my most favorite pictures of these two gorgeous ladies. . . .

These two photos where they wear sunglasses are so uncanny, right?!! Haha!

So to my dear friend D, if you're not yet convinced . . . I hope this blog post will change your mind, heehee. 

Have a beautiful day ahead everyone! =)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I guess you have heard that pregnant women have mood swings and are emotional due to the hormonal changes that happen in their body.  Well, I guess I still have some of those pregnancy hormones left because I am still emotional ( no mood swings by the way . . . i'm sure of that!  haha!).  I get affected and cry easily with anything that has to do with babies, children, motherhood, being a parent. . .   and this commercial is not an exception.  Being a first time mom, it really tugged my heartstrings.  I got this from one of my sisters in the N@W community (Thanks again R for sharing this!)

My Dear Little One,

Thank you for your unconditional love.  Being a first time mom can be overwhelming for me and during those times I felt disheartened, your smile and your hug brings me so much comfort and reassures me that you totally understand.  Thank you for being patient with me.  I know there are so much things to learn and that I still have a long way to go but I sincerely hope I'm doing OK.

I will try my best to be the best mom in your world.

Love always,

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Oh Sleep, Where Art Thou?

I LOVE sleeeeping (well okay, eating too. . . but please don't ask me to choose between the two! Haha!) When I was still pregnant, my mommy friends have already told me to "Get sleep as much as you can because it would be hard to get some when you enter Mommyhood."

Yes, sleep is one thing you have to give up when you become a parent.  Gone are the days when I get up late in the morning, laze around in bed or when I take my siesta every afternoon.  With the Little One around, I still get my siesta sometimes.  This afternoon, I was putting her to sleep and I was sooo happy (and excited!) when she fell asleep instantly.  Because that means, I can have my nap time too!  Haha!  But a few minutes after putting her down, she started to toss and turn (uh-oh) and opened her eyes (Noooo), rolled over and gave me her sweetest smile.  And that only means, she is officially awake!   

When I told her nicely to "Pleeeaassee sleeppp"  (more of pleading actually)

This is what I got from her . . .
Ok Mama, I'll TRY to sleep again. . . ummmm 
Sowee Mama, I can't . . .

And just like that nap time is over. . . 

As I am finishing this blog post, the Little One is sleeping soundly already.  I've kissed her goodnight earlier and I can't wait to lie down beside her.  

Goodnight everyone!  Hope you all had a wonderful day =)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ms. Worry Wart

A nice thought to start our week right. . . .

"WORRYING does not take away Tomorrow's TROUBLES,
 it takes away Today's PEACE."

As a case in point. . .

We're planning to get a US tourist visa for Zola so we can visit her Dad this year.  And I was telling hubby I really hope that she's going to get a visa.  I'm worried that she might not get one if they know that her dad is based in the US (he is an immigrant).  You know how they assume all tourists have the intention of overstaying .  And I think visiting my husband may be a good enough reason for them to think that we won't come back anymore to PH.  And even if she gets one, what if the Immigration Officer at the airport won't let us in (having a visa doesn't guarantee entry to the US).  What if . . . blah. . blah. . .blah. . . see, my worrying never stops! Haha!  

And while I was ranting. . .hubby in his usual cool and collected manner said, "Baby, just get her a passport first."  *facepalm*  Hahaha!  And he is absolutely right!  I was 100 steps ahead and was thinking of the worst case scenario while Zola doesn't even have a passport yet! Yes i'm a true blue worry wart.  (And I thank God everyday for giving me a partner like Zola's Dad who calms me and makes me feel better all the time)

When I think of those times that I worry too much,  I could have used those precious time in doing something productive like playing with Zola, or have a good conversation with hubby or call friends I haven't talked to in a while.  Worrying is indeed a waste of time and energy.  As they say, most of the things that we worry sometimes never happen.   

So enough of worrying and let's just all be happy!  Have a worry-free week ahead!

Hakuna Matata!

Summer Drink: Yeo's Winter Melon Tea

The Summer talk doesn't end with the Polka Dot Bikini post (teehee).  Just want to share with you one of my favorite drinks which I think will be a good summer drink because it is refreshing!

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While visiting friends in Singapore a few years ago, they let me try a drink (without telling me what it was) and I was pleasantly surprised to know that it was made from winter melon ("Kundol" to Filipinos).  So when I saw this at the supermarket, I got some to see if it has the same taste (I wasn't sure if it was the same brand I had in Sing, all I remember was it was winter melon, haha!) and it does!  I like this drink because the taste sort of reminds me of a popular Filipino refreshment (another fave of mine) called "sago't gulaman" (a drink made of caramelized sugar that comes with tapioca pearls and gelatin)

I'm sooo happy this is available in our local supermarket now!  

Just in case you try this drink, I hope you like it as much as I did =)

P.S. Please make sure that you drink it ICE-COLD!  (Very Important)
(I actually put mine in the ref for a few days and still put ice when I drink it, haha!)