Monday, May 19, 2014

Finding my "Zen"

I had a throbbing headache awhile ago. . . I guess because of the stress from all the things I have to do (there are a lot!  And I'll share with you why in the next few days) plus the intense heat we are having right now! (Yesterday, the temperature we read was at 39 degrees Celsius!)

To relieve my headache, I usually rub menthol sticks on my temple or take my favorite pain killer.  I really try not to be too dependent on pain killers but sometimes (most of the times, haha!), I just go and reach for one!  But I'm so happy that I finally found something that would help me stay away from them! (Woohoo!)  

I am loving Zenutrients' All is Well Balm.  As described in their website, this balm is a blend of Eucalyptus, Lemongrass and Peppermint.  It soothes away headaches, dizziness, coughs and colds.

Sells for Php 225 (50 g)

And I got a good tip from the girl at the Zenutrients kiosk!  She told me that I should put and rub the balm at the nape (and not at the temple!)  Once I rubbed the balm and massaged my nape, I felt the menthol slowly creeping in and after a few minutes. . . .I felt so much better (that I was able to write this post!  Haha!)   I'm really glad this particular balm works for me!  It's definitely going to be a part of my everyday bag! =)

Products work differently on each of us.  Should you try it, I hope it work well on you too. =)

By the way, another Zenutrients product that I love is their Underarm Deo Tea Tree Roll-on and  my sister love their Coconut Smooth and Shine Shampoo (which I have yet to try).

To know more about Zenutrients, their products and stores, please visit their website.