Friday, February 28, 2014

What's the Story?

Last week, the Assistant School Administrator from the Princess’ school told me that it's going to be "Reading Week" in school this week.  As part of the activity, they've asked parents in each class to be the guest reader during the class' Storytelling Time.  So they invited me (unfortunately, heehee).  

And if someone tells you that you should do it for your daughter, chances are you can't say "NO"!  (That was a smart move I must say, haha!)  So I said "Yes" and thought, I'll probably manage.  Reading to toddlers is something I do with J anyway.  Only this time, there will be 6 of them.  All I have to do is read the book, be a little more theatrical and happy sounding and it will be over in 5 minutes!  

So last Monday, when Teacher T handed me the book I will "read", I got a big surprise!  

It was my first time to hear (and see) about Wordless Books!   

And that means. . . it's up to me to make up the whole story based on the pictures!

I have successfully defended two theses in the University, I have prepared and explained budget and financial forecasts to the Management when I was still working.  But nothing could have prepared me for THIS!!!  Haha!

I went through the pictures several times, had a general idea what I want to say and was able to put a moral in the story too (the importance of saying Sorry).

I'm happy to say that everything went well =)  I was actually glad I had the chance to do it because I enjoyed reading to the kids!  Who knows, there might be a "teacher" in me, waiting to be nurtured, haha!

Everything happened in 10 minutes. . . but it sure was the longest 10 minutes I've ever had!

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