Thursday, September 5, 2013

Jack and Jill Overload

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Jack and Jill was probably the first Nursery Rhyme I've ever learned (or was it Humpty Dumpty?) when I was growing up.  Earlier this evening, my sister was singing this famous Nursery Rhyme . . 

"Jack and Jill 
Went up the Hill
To get a pail of water.
Jack fell down 
and broke his . . . . "

She suddenly stopped.  I had the feeling that she wasn't sure what the next line was, haha!

So she asked me if Jack broke his "arm or leg?"  And I laughed at her and said, "he broke his CROWN!"

So we also asked our Mom to sing it, and she did.

"Jack and Jill
Went up the Hill
To get a pail of water.
Jack fell down
and broke his ARM"

Our Mom said, ARM!  Haha!  So I got confused too. . . but since I believe in my Mom (Hey, Mothers know best!) and whatever she says (See Mom, I am a good and dutiful daughter!), I told my sister that I must have gotten it wrong.  And it was my sister's turn to laugh at me, I was laughing at myself too!  Even Jughead (of Archie Comics) got included in the conversation because of this "Crown" thing, haha!

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To be really sure and to put an end to this confusion, my sister went to You Tube and looked for a Jack and Jill Nursery Rhyme video.  So we were all giddy with excitement as were were waiting for the line. . . 

"Jack fell down and broke his . . . CROWN!"

O.M.G!!! It's CROWNNNN!!!!  Hahahaa!! So I was right after all! 

My sister and I had a good laugh!  It was such a nice way to cap this day . . . plus there were some lessons learned from this story!

1. When you become a Mom or if you interact with kids, it pays to revisit your Nursery Rhymes (because Age or the meds they give you during C-Section somehow catches up with you, haha!)

2, "Crown" means the top of the head

3. Just like when you take a multiple choice exam, if you are not sure with your answer, stick to your first choice, haha!

4. Stand for what you believe in!  Haha!  (I knew it was crown!  I shouldn't have let anything or anyone change what I believe in . . . even if it was my Mother, hahaha!!!)

5.  As they say, "Mothers know best" . . . well, sometimes, they don't, hahaha!  (I love you Mom!) 

Goodnight and Sweet Dreams everyone . . .  =)

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