When we were young, my parents enrolled me and my elder brother in piano and organ lessons (which we've taken for granted---and this remains to be one of my biggest regrets in life, EVER!). They also enrolled me in dance (modern dance and hawaiian) lessons. And among all the lessons I took, I enjoyed my Hawaiian dance class most. Probably because of the grass skirt, leis and various flower accessories I got to wear, haha!
One of the Hawaiian songs we danced to was "Pearly Shells". This song really brings back fond memories of my childhood. I don't know why my sister suddenly remembered this song but since Sunday, "Pearly Shells" has officially become one of the Little One's lullaby songs (the other two being the ABC song and "Edelweiss" from the Sound of Music)
Since I have been singing "Pearly Shells" to the Little One the whole day, I think I just know what her 1st birthday party's theme is going to be. . . . I think it would be nice to wear a grass skirt . . . again!
Aloha everyone. . . .
looking forward to that theme.... willing to help you out... hehehehe promise