Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Christmas Belen

One of the things you would see in Filipino homes during Christmas is the "Belen" which depicts the Nativity scene of Jesus Christ. 

Our Belen was creatively done by my Dad and Mom.  Yes, they did everything.  Mom thought of putting some poinsettias  (my sister then figured out why there were less poinsettias to hang in the Christmas tree, haha!) while Dad put some Christmas lights around the Belen.

Though I noticed two things:  First, Joseph has to be put outside the "stable" (which by the way is an old magazine rack, Dad's idea) because he is too tall. . . so one of the Three Kings was inside with Mary. . . AND second, if you look at the left side of the picture. . . 

I asked my mom why there were fairies in our Belen?!  LOL  

She didn't even have an idea that there were fairies in the Belen!

My guess, either she or dad thought that it was an angel because of the wings.

Time to get new glasses Mom. . or Dad. . . whoever put the fairy there! =)

P.S.  The fairies are now happily sitting on top of the organ.

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