Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My First Book Review: An ABC Book =)

I read that reading is an important form of stimulation for babies.  As explained by KidsHealth:
Reading aloud:
  • teaches a baby about communication
  • introduces concepts such as stories, numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a fun way
  • builds listening, memory, and vocabulary skills
  • gives babies information about the world around them

And so I went to the bookstore to look for flash cards but couldn't find anything I like so I bought an ABC Book for the Little One.  The book was sealed so I couldn't browse it but the description at the back of the book said it had "large, clear, easy to read text and vibrant pictures".  And this is exactly what I need!

The book does have "large, clear, easy to read text and vibrant pictures" that are pleasing to the eye.  Though I suggest they use objects for each letter that are one or two-syllable words because I think all Little Ones should start with simple words that are easy to follow.

Here's a look:
A is for "Apple" (as expected, hehe) . . .though I wish the apple was all red in color (LOL)
B for "Butterfly" is okay but I think "Ball" is a better choice. . . .right?

C for "Car" is good
D for "Dinosaur"?!  I wish they just used "Dog" . . . or "Duck" . . .  or "Drum" 

I must say though, this is a cute dino, teehee

E for "Elephant""?. . . .What about using "eye", "ear" or "egg"?
F for "Frog"?  Okay, it is one-syllable but I had enough of animals, haha!  
What about "feet" or "fan"?

G for "Gorilla"?  I'll go for "grapes"!
H for "Helicopter". . . is too long I think
H can also be for "Hat" or "Horse"
Though I would probably choose "Helicopter" over "Hippopotamus", Haha!

So I guess I'll stop with letter H now (teehee) . . . .

I'm planning to get some more books for the Little One. . . next on the list, a good fairy tale book.  

Yes, I'm starting her early . . . and I hope this would foster her love for reading.

Any book recommendations you'd like to share?

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