Sunday, January 31, 2016

There's something about Japanese Brazilians

I saw this video in my FB feed and it is about a little girl (they are from Brazil) who pranks her Dad by faking a cry whenever he tries to cut her nails!

While watching it, I noticed two things:

1. This baby girl is just too cute and adorable!


2. I think the Dad is Japanese (he looks like one, what do you think?)

Then I wondered why it seems there are a lot of Japanese (or with Japanese descent) in Brazil.  

Back home in Philippines, there were a lot of Japanese Brazilian models (some of them became actors as well) who captured our hearts (heehee) such as . . . .

Image from

Image from

Image from

Image from

Okay, be still our beating hearts, haha! 

There must be a story behind this wonder right?

Then I thought of typing a random question in the google box (just to satisfy my curiosity)

Why are there many Japanese in Brazil? 

Guess what, it is a valid question (observation)!

Do you know that Brazil has the largest Japanese community outside Japan?!

In summary, this is what  I've read online . . .

Brazil had a shortage of laborers in their coffee plantations (coffee was the country's main product export then) because the country abolished the use of African slaves as workers.  Brazil also attracted a number of European immigrants (mostly Italians) but due to the poor working conditions and maltreatment of the immigrants by the owners of the coffee plantations, Italy disallowed sending immigrants to Brazil.    

So in 1907, the Brazil and Japan government has signed an agreement allowing the Japanese to migrate to Brazil.  The first Japanese immigrants arrived in Brazil around 1908.  Around this time, the Japanese (who were living in poverty due to structural reforms happening in their country) were also looking for better opportunities overseas.

And as they say, the rest is history!

To read more about it, please click here.

It is always nice to learn something new everyday, right?! =)

Have a great week ahead!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

To my Ex-Boyfriend

They say that friendship is a good foundation in any relationship.  I guess I'm lucky because this friendship brought me love.

And in all the years that we've been together, we had the best times.  We had our highs but we also had our lows.  I don't know if you still remember that night I gave up on US (feeling ko, you don't). You didn't say anything, I was waiting for you to say something!  I watched you walk away but deep in my heart, I wasn't sure if I did the right thing. But I took back my words (I think that same night when you got home, haha!) because I didn't want to lose you.  

But I did. 

I wanted more than what we had . . . and you gave it to me.

Thank you for giving me forever, my happy ever after.

To my Ex Boyfriend (now my Husband),

Thank you for making me the happiest!

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Recipe Hacks: McD's Big Mac Sauce

I am not really a hamburger person.  Between a hotdog and a hamburger sandwich, I would pick a hotdog!

However, there are times that a hamburger sounds good!  One of my favorite guilty pleasures is McDonald's Big Mac.  One may argue that it is not one of the best fast food burgers but there is something about it that I keep coming back to.  I love it because of its tangy sauce!  Yes,  that orange-y sauce is what makes it (in my book) and it is NOT a Thousand Island dressing! Haha!

The other day, I tried a Chicken meatball recipe but they came out of the oven like a patty (not meatballs, haha) so I thought of just using them to make sliders.  (P.S. The kids still enjoyed the "meatballs turned patty" with rice and teriyaki sauce!  So. . .always keep a bottle of Teriyaki sauce at home to save the day! Haha)

I haven't had a Big Mac for quite some time so I went online to look for a recipe for the sauce and picked two recipes (from topsecretrecipes and Chow Hound) and just did a mash up.

What makes these recipes close to the real thing is they both use the same ingredients that McDonald's uses.  There is actually a video in YouTube which shows a McDonald's Exec Chef making the sauce.  (Please click here to watch the video).  It shows you the ingredients, though it doesn't give you the measurements, haha.

This is the basic recipe I used.  I call it "basic" because you can start from this and adjust it to suit your taste.  In my case, I added more sugar, mustard and relish. 

Here is the recipe I used:

1/2 cup mayonnaise
4 tsp sweet pickle relish
1 tsp vinegar
2 tsp yellow mustard
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1 tbsp minced white onion

Just put everything in a bowl and mix it until well blended. Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed. Let the mixture sit (one recipe suggested 8 hours) so the flavor comes out better. =)

For our slider, we just broiled the bun with cheddar cheese until it melted.  Then placed our "patty", THE special sauce and shredded lettuce!  Oh and some potato chips on the side =)

And voila. . . . 

A healthy hamburger fix right at home! =)

Note to self: Make some more patties.

Happy Weekend everyone!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

DIY No-Sew Jedi Costume

We are invited for a couple of birthday parties this weekend.  One of them has a Star Wars theme where guests are encouraged to dress up as a Jedi or a Sith.

The kids are going as Jedis . . . .because they already have lightsabers on hand, haha!

So I went online and googled for Star Wars costumes (and there are A LOT!) and came across  a photo which stood out because of the words printed on it: EASY and NO-SEW! (with emphasis on the NO SEW!  Haha)  And for a mom who is not artsy and crafty and not really good in DIY, this is heaven-sent!

Thank you you to Debra of the Housewife Eclectic blog for coming up with this brilliant costume!  For her complete post on how to do it, please click on this link.  

Here is my take on a Jedi Costume . . . 

I just bought the fabric (white for the top and brown for the belt) and black leggings.  Our princess just wore her long sleeved white shirt underneath the costume.  And I'm glad that she already has a pair of brown boots which went really well with the "Jedi look".  

I am so, so happy that everything tied together!

I know it's just January . . . but I guess I'm ready for Halloween!  Haha!

Our little Jedi in training!

Yes, this No-sew costume really works!  All I can say is. . . it is not a Jedi mind trick! =)

And we're all set for the party now, woohoo! =)

Monday, January 11, 2016

New Year Makeover

Happy New Year!!!

I know this greeting came in  more than a week late but as they say, better late than never! (heehee) 

I was supposed to put up another post where I am to write about how my 2015 went but as I start to look back at the past year, it gets the better of me and I start becoming emotional  (my father passed away last April).  I will probably still write that post but I don't want my first blog post this year to be sappy.

It is nice to start the New Year with a grateful heart, lots of positivity, hope and laughter. 

New Year for each one of us would mean different things.  But I think one thing that all of us can agree on is it means changes. . .including makeovers, haha!

Our little big boy (he is 2 years and 10  months now) is due for a haircut and I thought of getting a new hairstyle for him (AND I have another reason which you will find out later). 

For inspiration for his new look, I just have somebody in mind! 

Photo source

This adorable young boy is Ryker, one of two boys of Colette Wixom whose IG account (ministylehacker) I have been following since last year.  I don't actually remember how I came across it but I remember loving this little boy's look!  

Her account became popular because she posts photos of her 2 boys who mimic male fashion models and celebrities.  Plus we get to have a stylist for free, hahaha! 

If you have boys, her posts can inspire your boys' looks!

Photo source

Cuteness overload right?!

Back when we were still in Philippines, we have a go-to barber.  But now that we are in LA, our little boy gets his haircut where I get mine (read: beauty salon).  So this is the other reason why I want to get him a new look.


It's okay, you can laugh at him, we did! Haha!  He does remind you of Jim Carrey from "Dumb and Dumber" right?!

It's time to look for a barber shop!  We yelped for one but when we were on our way, we happened to pass by this barbershop which didn't look busy (there was only 1 person waiting) and went to this place instead.

I know I said it wasn't busy but we still waited for 30 minutes.  I didn't mind waiting because I saw how they work.  I like that they do NOT rush.  

Here is our little man (in his barber's chair) who managed to sit down all by himself (no tablet or candy needed).

Goes without saying that we just found the barber for him!  Thank you Troy!

I think one of the best feelings in the world is. . . .getting a haircut you really want and love! =)

It's true what they say. . . The hair is our crowning glory! =)

Uptown Barbers
7028 Greenleaf Ave
Ste H
WhittierCA 90602
Tel No. (562) 696-0406
Close on Sundays